Newspaper presses are very similar to normal offset presses except the printing units are arranged vertically instead of horizontally. This is done to conserve fl oor space due to the vast amount of pages to print. Keep in mind that when a newspa-per is printed, the whole paper is printed in one pass.
The roll stands are usually in the basement and normally hold 2 or 3 rolls to a stand. Splicers are the fl ying type. Large, high speed news webs run several webs at the same time in order to print one newspaper. Most news presses, today, are not heatset but use vegetable oil (soy, etc.) inks and dry by absorption. In fact, newspaper printers use the majority of soy based ink. This is not done solely for ecological reasons, but for decreased ruboff, runnability, etc. Newspaper presses use a combination of 4-color and single color printing units. The cover pages of each section are normally printed in color (front and back page) with the inside pages printed in black. The typical newspaper press contains many combination folders to fold the various sections. Following printing and the collection of various sections, the newspaper is fed to a mail room for further processing such as insertion of separate sections (advertising, etc.), mailing and fi nal distribution.

Typical Cold-set Web Offset Newspaper Press